law firm with high ranking

Banking and capital markets


Advice Group has a wide experience in the area of banks and accounting, it tackles and addresses a number of the cases of successful institutions including the banks, accounting companies, insurance and reinsurance companies, finance corporations, property management companies, financial or brokerage companies.

Such reflects the firm’s ability to provide legal expertise that cover all financial spheres and necessary accounting services.

Also, Advice Group Services in this area include:

• Incorporation of joint-stock companies according to the Companies Law and Capital Markets Authority Law.

• Preparation of companies’ legal regulations.

• Preparation of a prospectus to subscribe for securities.

• Preparing the collective investment funds bulletin and providing legal advice in this field.

• Preparation of the application for licensing the activities of securities according to the requirements of Capital Market Authority.

• Preparation of the applications and forms related to the registration of the authorized and registered persons according to the requirements of Capital Markets Authority.

• Provisions of legal advice on the governance, conformity and compliance.

• Provision of legal advice on the acquisitions, merge and liquidation.

• Complaints & grievances before the complaints and grievance committees at Money Market and the Commission for the consideration of irregularities in the stock exchange.

• Representing the parties before the disciplinary board of the Capital Markets Authority.

• Representing parties in commercial disputes before courts or through arbitration.

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